Sunday, April 18, 2010


4/18/2010, originally uploaded by dlandy77.

The sky is not like this today, its muggy/cloudy/dry. But as I was thinking about what I wanted to blog about the first pictures that came to mind were these when it was sunny and my friend said "Look how blue the sky is, its REALLY blue!" I laughed at her statement because it was so blue that day and I knew I would use those for a blog entry. It may not even pertain to what I want to say, but I wanted to share with you how blue the sky can be.

4/18/2010 4/18/2010

This morning at church I was overwhelmed by the joy of the preschoolers I got to see and just the love they show to us and their spirits. We learned about the fruit of the Spirit, focusing on Love this week. Then when I went to "BIG CHURCH" the worship was so strong and I just love the Truth it speaks into our hearts, another way of knowing Christ.

Matt spoke from Colossians 1:24 "Now I rejoice in what was suffered for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's affliction, for the sake of his body, which is the church." Through the sermon Matt broke down what is looked like to walk in sufferings and rejoicing in them. Of course we don't always think "THANK YOU GOD FOR MAKING ME GO THROUGH THIS ILLNESS, DISEASE, BREAK-UP, BEATING, ABANDONMENT" and parade in circle but we know of His promise, and that Christ took this upon Him in flesh when He put himself on the cross. We also know of the promise of when He comes what heaven will be like, when all is swept away. In this present time though we must be ready for things, being prepared. Holding and grasping onto Christ and discovering Him more, so that we can rejoice like Paul did, like John the Baptist, all the apostles that would endure sufferings and continue to praise the One.

When I read my devo this morning it was titled Readiness and I thought: I don't think this will do anything for me today. Just another topic I don't get.

'Whenever any duty presents itself, we hear God's voice as our Lord heard His Father's voice, and we are ready for it with the total readiness of our love for Him.' (4/18)

Then I went to church and God spoke through Matt of the Readiness we must have as believers.


"Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice." -Psalm 105:3

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