Thursday, August 20, 2009

Maybe, well just maybe..

Well, maybe I am the next Julia Childs. Not to the extent of her great cooking and having a book out, but since I have been in my new apartment I have prepared better meals for myself the last couple of days then I've had all summer. Maybe its because when I'm back at school I go shopping for myself and walk down the aisles with my cart filling it only with the necessities that I truly need. The meals I prepare can be done by a 15 year old if they were alone all the time. Here are some of the things I've put together and maybe you'll want to try them..

Breakfast: cup of blueberries, 2 scrambled eggs, water
Breakfast: cup of strawberries/grapes, nutrition bar
Snack: couple slices of turkey pepperoni and strawberries & milk (had today, which I know doesn't sound like a good combination of things, but it is)
Lunch: simple turkey/Swiss cheese sandwich, chips
Lunch: hot pocket, cup of carrots + ranch, strawberries
Dinner: cooked salmon, satayed mushrooms, wheat thins
Dinner: grilled chicken, salt & vinegar chips, grapes

I have almost every meal with either water or Lipton green tea.

Real Basic Meals [for the college-aged student]
Simple, recipes put together by:
Danielle Landy

Maybe that would be the title if I put together a cooking book.
And realistically, we eat like crap anyways filling ourselves with things like chips.

I have completed the decoration of my room, which I actually did the other day. It will soon be filled with new spirals full of notes, and probably paint/pencils. My brain will need ideas flowing in like crazy to beat out the other art major students. I hope to never have time to be bored and constantly doing something, my breaks can be from food, blogging, shower and sleeping only.

We'll see how well that goes.
In the meantime, you can listen to Derek Webb's CD She Must and Shall Go Free. My fav's are tracks #4, #6, #7.

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