Monday, September 14, 2009

Girls just wanna have fun!

I would agree with the title of that song, because last night proved that girls do want to have fun and will go to the extreme to display that. (Lady Gaga). I had never watched the MTV Awards before, but I had a blast and will admit I watched it twice, and danced with Beyonce as she performed "Single Ladies."  Overall, I thought it was really fun to watch except for the few mishaps. Russell Brand was an interesting man to host the show to say the least with his British accent. The performance to Micheal Jackon was compelling and what a great opening to the show. When Lady Gaga got on stage, I was worried. I didn't know what to feel while watching except weirded out.  
I mean look at these next few photos and just tell me what you think. I think she wore a total of 4 different outfits; her entrance neckbrass outfit, white bloody performance outfit, the red dress that also goes on your head, and finally (I hope you all caught it), the birds nest on her head! (I totally got it on my phone) She/He was definitely making a statement to each of her outfits, but we'll never know. The men's performances were entertaining, but I'm not here to write about boys (with the exception of Boy Gaga), its a GIRLS BLOG ENTRY! 

So to continue, P!NK hung from the sky, Taylor sung on the Subway ending out
side in front of Radio City, and Beyonce shook her butt faster than any woman I've ever seen before. 
I know that next year I will be TIVO'ing it again to see what the women will come up with. I can't believe that I haven't updated since September 5! That's a long time in Blog days for me as I was doing so well to write almost every other day. Told you I couldn't write 365 days a year (see Entry on Julia Childs). My days have been packed. I did take pictures though of some of my art projects which I will be posting soon. I think this entry though has enough photos. And on a normal day I would be all for rain and laying down to skip class and watch movies, but I want the sun to come out and play! I don't like that it has been muggy all weekend, I didn't get to lay out or go to our first home game. I could have sucked it up and gotten all wet, but I stayed back and had my first football watching party! I would say it was a success and I will have plenty more, just let me know if you want to come. Even thought the game ended in a sad note of 31-30, 2 overtimes and lots of falls I am proud of the men of North Texas Football and I know we will have a good season. I would just like to end this blog with one more photo and hope you all have a good Monday!

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