Saturday, September 25, 2010

new series i will hopefully do everyday this week

As I was was thinking what I wanted to write for this entry, I thought of a new blog series I could do for a week... MY FAVORITE SPOTS IN DENTON! Each day I will present you with one of MY favorite spots in Denton, TX and why I love it so much! Since I'm starting on Saturday, I'll go until the next Saturday with various place around this crazy city.

My first spot: Crooked Crust

[chicken, pepperoni, mushroom]

[some of my great friends: blake, mitch, keith and philip is on the other side of me]

I wish I had taken a picture of the sign outside and the cool light fixtures they have all around.

This is a semi-new spot in Denton, right on the corner of Fry St.
Why it's one of my favorites: affordable pizza deals ($5 1/4 pizza + drink), good chill atmosphere and floor to ceiling windows.

Thank you Crooked Crust for being one of my favorites!

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