Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Normally I do not handle surprises well. I do not like the idea of them (for me personally) and they typically catch me off guard where I have to sit for about 15 minutes and think "why did that just happen?"

Yesterday when I was going to the White House I knew I was just going to be spending the day there and at the end of the night I would say goodbye. But what I didn't know was my BFF Tricia that lives in California now with her buff Marine husband would surprise me completely and even make me cry!

Best surprise ever!
This isn't the 'real' surprise. This is just me wanting to reenact it on camera.

A long, drawn out, 15 minute hug with a side of tears.

Pure joy!
Another reason for the visit was for Lauren's departure for Ethiopia where she will be for a whole month serving. We all wore the t-shirts she sold to us, she even wore one.

We made the guys watch Bachelorette, tehehe!

Love this family!

Love my friends! Whitney come home! I will Photoshop you in!

We are all going with her!

The family, the gang, the friends, the dog, the love, the happiness!
All thanks to God! He is so so so good!

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