Friday, July 30, 2010


It would be an understatement if I said I didn't like journaling. I have been journaling since I could pick up a pen and write a word. I still have remains of my early journals which dates back to June 10, 1999. I can't believe I have been scribbling my thoughts for over 10 years.

Of course I have always used color, and "LOVED " a lot of boys.
I even made Jesus a chocolate cake for Christmas, with markers.

It is so incredible to see the things that happen in 10 years. New friendships, lots of tears, heartbreak, getting in trouble, meeting Jon Forman from Switchfoot, coming to know Jesus, walking with Jesus, seeing others give their life to Jesus, going to Young Life camp, powering sermons, prayers, prayers being answered, prayers that will be answered.

I strongly encourage everyone to journal. Its for yourself, no one else (unless your friend takes it and goes through the pages). All you need it paper and a pen. And your thoughts, which we all have plenty of.

Now go journal and have an amazing Friday!

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