Friday, March 26, 2010

Gay? Die alone.

So apparently now, gays don't even deserve a funeral, never mind a marriage.

In an interview, Italian Bishop Francesco Nole claimed that 'irregulars' - including criminals and homosexuals - should not be given communions or funerals.

To quote him fully, he actually said: “Nothing surprises me anymore. Homosexuality, which is a disease, has become something normal. They sprout like poisonous mushrooms, and instead of feeling shame they celebrate this plague and the church itself minimalises these sins.”

Yeah, yeah. That's right.

When you're dead, your life doesn't deserve to be celebrated. Nuh uh.

We don't get any basic human rights now.

Is that okay with you?

In my opinion, anyone who believes someone doesn't deserve a funeral is a disease themselves.

Any thoughts?


Trust., originally uploaded by dlandy77.

Today was the last theme in Ragamuffin Gospel and I have also finished the book. I highly recommend it for anyone to read because it applies to all places of life. I learned mostly to draw near to Christ with every moment of my life.
Here was my favorite part:

"A father is delighted when his little one, leaving off his toys and friends, runs to him and climbs into his arms. As he holds his little one close to him, he cares little whether the child is looking around, his attention flitting from one thing to another, or if he's intent upon his father, or just settling down to sleep. The father doesn't care, because essentially the child is choosing to be with his father, confident of the love, the care, the security that is his in those arms."

We can trust in the Father's delight daily, running into his arms. We don't have to hide under our beds, in the closets, in deserted places to know that He isn't there, because He is everywhere. He will always want to embrace us.

Let us Trust in the One who loves recklessly.
Trust Him

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Today's theme in Ragamuffin was Serve. I knew after reading this I would have to share yet again with you all. (whoever reads) The story that Manning talks about is what I have encountered with Jesus too, not every single word but where Christ has washed my feet through friends.

Here is his story.
'One morning at a retreat center, I was reading the passage in John 13 that describes Jesus washing the feet of His disciples when I was suddenly transported in faith to the Upper Room. And there I took Judas's place. The Servant Jesus had just tied a towel around His waist and poured water from a pitcher into a copper basin. He reached out to wash my feet. Involuntarily, I pulled back. I couldn't even look at Him. I knew in my heart that I betrayed His vision, been unfaithful to my dream and thus unfaithful to His plan for my life.

But Jesus placed His hand on my knee and said, "Brennan, do you know what these years together have meant to me? You were being held, even when you didn't believe I was holding you. I love you, my friend."

Tears flowed down my cheeks. "But, Lord, my sins, my repeated failures, my weaknesses," I protested.

"I understand," He said. "Brennan, I expected more failure from you than you expected from yourself." He smiled, then said, "You always came back. Nothing pleases me so much as when you trust Me, when you allow My compassion to be greater than your sinfulness."

"But Jesus," I blurted, "my irritating character defects, the boasting, the inflating the truth, the pretenses, the impatience, all the times I got drunk.."

"What you're saying is true, Brennan. yet your love for Me never wavered and your heart remain pure. And besides, you've done one thing that make Me forget all the rest."

I leaned forward, bewildered. "What?" I asked.

Jesus answered, "You've been kind to sinners...."

I sobbed so hard that the priest in the next room at the retreat came over and rapped on my door to see if anything was wrong. I assured him that I was okay, and I returned to prayed.

Then I heard Jesus say, "Now I'll go. I just washed your feet. Do that same for others. Serve My people humbly and lovingly. You will find happiness if you do. Peace, My friend."

I just think this is a beautiful illustration of Christ in the fullest. When I was at Windy Gap my feet were washed by my Towashie Boss and I felt so undeserving, but Jesus was saying through her "I love you, Danielle, you deserve this." Last fall my feet were washed again by a friend and there were girls all around me getting their feet washed as well. Again, Jesus said "You deserve this."

You deserve this.
You deserve this.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Encounter., originally uploaded by dlandy77.

I'm at the end of Ragamuffin Gospel which has been such a good book to read at this time of my life. I have taken so much from the book and written it in multiple places (phone, journal, scraps of paper) so I can be reminded of the goodness of God. At the end of the book Manning takes you through this Spiritual Retreat. There are four themes and I'm at the second which is Encounter. The overwhelming love of Jesus is beyond my comprehension but so contagious and I yearn for more. Daily I want to mediate on "Abba, I belong to you." as I walk around campus, when I'm at home and anywhere I'm at. As I'm reading this I'm also listening to the Passion CD: Awakening which I highly recommend to buy even if you weren't at Passion because each song you can clearly hear God's daughters and sons crying out to Him and I'm still shaken by how powerful it is.

Romans 10:8-13
8But what does it say? "The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,"[a] that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: 9That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. 11As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame."[b] 12For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, 13for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."[c]

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Not Another Lesbian Let-Down

I'm pretty sure all (or most) of you have heard about the girl who recently wanted to take her (female) date to the prom?

Yep, Constance McMillen wanted to take her date - who was going to wear a tux to the event - to her high school prom in Mississippi. However, never did the pair imagine that the school would express concern with this and cancel the entire prom.

Yeah, that's right. They didn't even just ban the couple, they cancelled the entire prom over a pair of lesbians.

This led to bullying from other pupils, not because they were gay, but because they were all looking forward to prom and blamed its cancellation upon the couple.

Is this right? I think not.

What do you think? (Post in the comments!)

6th street

6th street, originally uploaded by dlandy77.

Yesterday was so exhilarating for me because I visited Austin for a day, meet PW's sister Betsy, saw an old friend, watched a band play, ate good food, laughed a lot, went to IKEA and REI, walked 6th street and visited the capital.


These girls beside me made the trip so good for me and the photographer (Preston). Girl on far right has her own blog I love to read daily ( and this newly married best friend on far left has one as well ( and Lauren doesn't have one but she does have Twitter: @laureniswhite. I just love how much these girls play a role in my life and the conversations we can have. Thank you girls for all your love, encouragement, giving, laughter, smiles.

Kerby's Lane Kerby's Lane

This is the place where we had lunch, and Tricia got a free shirt.

I really like my Spring Break.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Old Times.

*Before you read on have James Brown: I feel good playing*
ok read on.

First thing: mom found the afro I used a couple of years ago for my halloween costume and Jeremy saw it in my car and wore it for about 45 minutes.

Of course I had to put it on as well. It makes your day better when you put it on.

Also... Remember those days being an elementary kid hanging out with all your friends during recess? That's what I felt like today, except today I'm 10 years older and I was the only girl with four young teenage boys. I had a blast though, and it brought me back to times of dangling from the monkey bars, playing tag, tic-tac-toe, attempting to crawl all over the play gym.

It took both Hayden (bro's friend) and I a couple of times to realize the camera was still on macro settings. And by this point Jeremy was already tired of taking pictures with me.

The only one with Jeremy close to smiling, I still love him. He doesn't really like to smile in pictures, I think he doesn't like being put on the spot and doesn't want the ladies attacking him, I understand, he's a cutie.

He loves the hammock too. I'm probably going to do a blog post all alone just about my hammock and the places that it has been. So in the near future be ready for that post.

I probably hung out around this area a lot at my school park because I love a good game of Tic-Tac-Toe. I always wanted to be the "O". I think its because for some reason the circle seemed pretty and sweet and the "X" seemed so evil and mean. Can't you see it? I still see it.

The monkey bars were also a favorite of mine when I was younger. When I got to the point where I could touch the top and have my feet touching the ground ruined monkey bars for me and I didn't like my height anymore. I have to go to JUMBO playgrounds now.

I think most playgrounds have these colors: yellow, red, blue, green. I wonder why.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Beautiful Saturday.

This Saturday has been perfect. For many reasons: waking up, cooking breakfast, being able to drive to Starbucks and drink a frappuccino, to Skype with good friends and meet some, to come home and cook a meal for myself, to listen to good music, to hear a sermon called Two Wills of God and be amazed at the One who created all of this, to have sweet friends visit me. I'm not worthy of any of this, yet He gives.

Thank you God.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Dad, Father, Friend

Happy Birthday to a man I admire more than words can express. My father exemplifies righteous living better than any man I know. Thanks to him, I am constantly striving to be better. Thanks, Dad. We love you.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Jeremy's 1 & Yes, We're Moving to Utah

In true parent-toward-a-second-child fashion, I totally forgot to blog about Jeremy's very important 1st birthday!!! He turned 1 on February 16, and we celebrated by waking him up from bed (he was really grumpy and went to bed at like 5 pm) to have cupcakes (yes, he got his own!) with our neighbors and family. It was VERY exciting. He was pretty much out-of-it for the first half hour... just kind of stared at us all. I started physically putting cake into his mouth and he finally got it and enjoyed his bday treat.

So Jer, here's to you. Jeremy is a lot of things... even in just 1 year of life he has a HUGE personality and we love him sooo much (even though he can be sooo naughty already!!)... here are a few things about Jeremy:
  • Jeremy favorite person: His Dada; closely followed by his Mama and Peter
  • Jeremy's favorite toy: anything Peter is playing with already :) oh joy!! though he does have a special obsession with blue plastic kid knives... he goes through the dishwashers, finds the blue kid knife, and will hold it and crawl all around with it for hours... oh and he also LOVES the TV and VCR remotes (and the batteries, which he CAN get out... yikes)... AND the outlet covers (which he can already remove... how can you kid-proof kid-proofing?!?!)... and of course, the piano and anything else that makes "music" (metal bowl and spoon; shakers; etc.)
  • Jeremy's favorite foods: chicken nuggets, pb&j sandwiches, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, BABA (aka milk... preferably warm)
  • Jeremy's favorite words: Dada; Baba; NoNo JerJer; Hi; (notice MAMA is missing from this list!!!)
  • Jeremy's favorite places: Dada's arms; Mama's arms; on the couch (which he can now climb on himself); the coffee table (which he can also now climb on and sit on); the dishwasher (yes, he climbs there, too); the toilet (EWWW); wherever Peter is
  • Jeremy's best moments: whenever he's happy... he is THE CUTEST KID EVER!!! Seriously. He is the biggest charmer with a huge, gorgeous smile, beautiful big green eyes, and just perfect little chubby cheeks... aww... and he loves to talk and coo and get people's attention. He is so cute when he gives big slobbery kisses (more like a "sucker" fish attacking your face but it's cute)... and when he gives snuggle hugs (rests his head on your shoulder)... and when he's so excited he coos and giggles...
  • Jeremy's worst moments: anytime he doesn't get his way!! This little man is SOOO full of personality and is already so opinionated!!! He wants things the way he wants them WHEN he wants them or he will SCREAM. There is no-inbetween for him, hence why we call him our Manic Baby... he is either SUPER cute and happy... or he is SUPER grumpy and screaming his little head off.
  • Jeremy's talents: determination (haha :); making people laugh (he loves to make silly faces and sounds to make others laugh); being a people-person (it's obvious already he's going to always love to be social and in the limelight!); MUSIC (he already "sings" songs with us, he is SO drawn to playing the piano, and he loves anything music); clapping; waving; being silly; throwing tantrums impressive for one who still only walks with furniture; drooling :)
  • Jeremy's nicknames: Jer; JerJer; JerBug; JerBear; Bubba; Naughty; Stinky
Jeremy, WE LOVE YOU and are so happy you are in our family! You add so much energy and life to our family... and you bring soo soo much joy. And I have a feeling all that personality is going to turn into one fun kid who is going to grow up to achieve great things. After all, stubborness is determination misapplied! So we'll try to help you apply all that "determination" toward good. :)

Love you Jer!

AND yes, Robert's clever post was to announce that we ARE officially moving to Utah... and we should GET there April 30. We are planning on moving away from the DC area on or about April 27, which is after Robert's finals and before he walks. We'll be car-tripping our family all the way to Utah (wish us luck, haha), with Church history and fun stops on the way... then Robert and I will fly back to DC for his graduation and our anniversary (while someone watches our kids in Utah... volunteers? :). Our anniversary (5 YEARS!) is May 14 and Robert walks on May 16. Woohoo!!!

We have LOVED DC, but we are really excited about this new chapter of our lives. AND YES, our prayers have been ANSWERED! He has a part-time job that has opened up to him at the firm he hopes to work at full-time after the bar. So while he's studying like crazy, he can work some and get to know the firm while they get to know him. I know they'll love him.

We're going to stay with Robert's wonderful, generous, loving parents for a little while as Robert studies for the bar and we get a solid idea of exactly where we'll end up permanently (don't want to sign any contracts until we know where we'll be!)... and we are SO EXCITED to hang out with and see our family and friends in Utah.

UTAH here we COME!!!

OH and I forgot to mention another Jeremy-ism, courtesy of his DADDY... HEAD BANGING!!! He loves banging his head on all chairs, couches, crib rails, whatever. It makes me kind of sad. Oh well, I guess it didn't damage Robert's brain, so hopefully Jer will survive the head-banging, too!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Yeah. I've given you 3 celesbian outings this year, and the fourth one is mine!

That's right, I came out to my parents yesterday.

I'm pretty much already out to everyone else anyway: members of my family and my friends already knew.

I know you're also probably thinking 'You should come out to your parents first!' But I have good reasons why I didn't. My Dad especially is usually extremely homophobic and my Mother cringes every time a gay person is on TV.

Also, I knew I could trust and rely on many of my friends and family more than I could rely on my parents not to judge me. Sounds really bad, but I just couldn't.

Anyway, you should all know that the whole experience has been quite strange, but I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Turns out, they weren't overjoyed, but my Dad took it way better than I thought.

I encourage anyone to come out to their parents, but only when they feel they are ready. You'll feel so much better when you have.

I've also started the poll (on the right). Tell me if you've come out or not yet, and leave a comment to explain you have or haven't!

Some coming out stories in the comments might be interesting too!


There wasn't a huge outpour of what I should blog about, but the one I liked was from Christine: "What the Lord is teaching you this year." 
So that's my entry for today.

But before I begin that I just want to say how much I love this weather! I need to be snapping pictures of this gorgeous weather and people walking around in shorts, flip-flops. There are tons more people on campus when the sun is out and a cool breeze. So pictures are coming soon.

Its only into the third month of the year but the Lord as already taught me so much. He rejuvenates my heart so that He can bring me Joy. I can truly know Grace. I can truly know Love. At the start of the year I was already dealing with doubts, false things put into my head. Thoughts of unworthiness, unloved, alone. God used that to show me Him more. To soak myself in His word. Illustrating to me the Cross in its full meaning. He's showing me trust. Complete trust. Things will be done for His Kingdom. I will be used for His Kingdom, but His grace. He's showing me how to embrace this time of singleness and for how long that season is. During this time I have so much I can do for myself and also discover myself as a woman of Christ and prepare myself. His perfect timing. The Lord knows exactly when things should get done, how they should, with who they should. 

All of this shows me an illustration of a flower and its season through the year. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ladyhawke Comes Out!

Yep, that's a third celebrity outing on the blog this year.

For any of you who don't know, Ladyhawke is a New Zealand electro-pop goddess.

Her album titled 'Ladyhawke' won 8 awards in 2009 in NZ alone. It's really quite good, obviously. I'm a huge fan.

This is also why I felt the need to tell you, 'cause she really is amazing at what she does, and this news makes her even better!

Apparently, she came out in an interview with Stuff, and is in a fully-committed lesbian relationship.


Sunday, March 7, 2010


After falling in love with the show "Buried Life" (good show on MTV) I asked the question tonight to friends: What do you want to do before you die?
Here is what they said.


1. see the conclusion of Lost (show)

2. made into a statue

3. wrestle a bear

4. tattoo of my face on my face

5. raise an army of Gerbils

6. get married in a submarine where the monkey will read the vows

7. win a breakdancing contest...blindfolded

8. find the holy grail and drink mountain dew: code red out/from it

9. i want a pair of Wrangler jeans

10. gain immortal life


1. skydiving

2. be a game-show contestant

3. have a family

4. dunk a basketball

5. have a picture published in a Sports magazine

6. own a motorcycle

7. go on a road-trip across the country

8. go to Vegas

9. sneak into the Superbowl

10. make Dean's list

11. go to Texas State fair


1. get married

2. visit all 7 continents

3. learn how to speak ebonics

4. meet Rachel McAdams

5. meet Leonardo DiCaprio

6. graduate college

7. want a daughter

8. be swallowed by a whale

9. play with a monkey

10. learn how to play the banjo


1. tell everyone I know that "I love them!"

2. travel all the states

3. go to all the Nascar races

4. another tattoo (currently 2)

5. travel outside of the United States

6. graduate college

7. get married where my parents got married

8. have kids

9. be a personal assistant

10. scuba diving, cliff diving

11. move to North Carolina

12. learn how to play a piano

13. be a photographer

14. never break a bone


1. go to the October feast in Munich

2. visit Greece

3. dismantle the US government

4. fly a plane

5. see the Astros win the World Series

6. spend a week in Sicily

7. see Muse live

8. marry a woman who cooks breakfast for me

9. see G.W Bush pass away

10. own a meerschaum bowl, calabash pipe

11. visit St. Petersburg

12. enter the deep-fried bacon wrapped, bisquick breaded hotdog covered in powdered sugar and honey


1. become a professional photographer

2. get married

3. have a kid or two

4. have a house that is completely paid off

5. travel to Ireland & Scotland

6. cross of the people on my "Punch in the face" list

7. play in a professional band in a big concert

8. own a Nissan GTR

9. go skydiving

10. get to see my children's children


I love people who think I care :)

I went on my website '' today, only to find a negative message from a reader.

Here's what it said:

People might give a crap about your stuff if you stopped shamelessly pimping it in every AfterEllen comment you make. It’s sad dear, no one cares about your view so stop spamming the comments of decent writers." - from 'Yawn'.

In response, I would like to say the following.

How is it sad to want people to read your writing? I've had messages from a lot of lesbians, young and old, who say my blog is both entertaining and helpful for them, so maybe you should keep your 'sad' comments to yourself in future.

Also, that blog has nothing to do with, so maybe YOU should get your facts right before claiming that 'no one wants my opinion'. Furthermore, if you don't want my view, then simply don't read it. I'm sure you don't speak for the whole of the AfterEllen population when you say people 'don't care' about my view.

The 'visit my blog' section on the end of comments is on automatic and therefore it appears on every comment I make. I am also deeply distraught (good old British sarcasm for you there, by the way) that you don't think my writing is decent.

You're the first person to have complained, so maybe you should tell me by your real name if you have a problem, rather than go by an unimaginative code name.

That is all.

Yours lovingly,

I think that is what you call 'pwning'.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Testimony

Miracles do happen! I just read an amazing first-hand account of a survivor of the earthquake in Chile. It is truly a testament of God's tender mercies, even in times of great trial. Sister Lisa Laycock and her husband, Mission President Larry Laycock, are over the Santiago Chile East Mission. The Lord prepared them for the terrible earthquake, allowed them to prepare their missionaries, and thus allowed the missionaries to serve in a time of great tragedy and need. Read her account here.

Robert and I have been asked to talk in church in two weeks on Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's talk, "Safety for the Soul." We are SOOOO excited, to be honest with you. When Elder Holland gave this talk, I had two very restless children, and I couldn't really focus on much of it. I remember thinking, "Wow, this sounds incredible... I really will need to study this later..." but life got in the way and I have only skimmed it until this past week, when we got our speaking assignments.

The power of Elder Holland's testimony is absolutely astounding. He is not afraid to in straightforward, direct language, and with all of his heart, give witness to the truth of the miraculous work that is the Book of Mormon and thus also The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I also want to testify to the world of what I know-- absolutely know -- to be true. This blog seems to be my best format.
I know that Jesus is the Christ. I know that He is Heavenly Father's son, that He came to earth born as a baby of Mary in Bethlehem, that He truly lived and then gave Himself as a sacrifice in His suffering the Atonement and His death on the cross. I know that three days after His death, He arose again. He is Resurrected. He lives today.

I know Jesus Christ speaks today through a living prophet-- President Thomas S. Monson. President Monson is just a mortal man and I do not worship him. But I revere him as the Lord's chosen mouthpiece on the earth. As such, I strive to follow President Monson, because I have the firm testimony that when I follow what the prophet, President Monson, says, I am really following the Savior, because President Monson speaks for the Lord today.
I know that Joseph Smith, as a young 14-year-old boy, prayed in a quiet grove of trees and beheld the magnificent, true vision of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Joseph was a prophet and he did restore the fulness of the Savior's gospel on the earth. 

I know that the Book of Mormon is true. It is factual. It is in fact an ancient manuscript, written long ago by inhabitants from the American continent. And Joseph Smith was, in fact, led to the Book of Mormon's manuscript by an angel, even the angel Moroni, the last editor and compiler of this sacred set of scripture. I know that Joseph Smith translated this ancient record by the gift and power of God. And I know that not only is the Book of Mormon actually derived from an ancient manuscript, as Joseph said, but it is in fact inspired of God and truly is the most correct of any book on earth. There is incredible power in the Book of Mormon. I can testify of that power because it has in reality blessed my life as I have read from its pages and applied its teachings.

I know that the Bible is also the word of God, so long as it is translated correctly. I am grateful for the accounts of so many righteous disciples, from Adam to Moses to Isaiah. And then for the New Testament's account of the Savior's ministry. The Bible is true, and I know that with the Book of Mormon as its companion, the fullness of God's purpose and plan for His children is truly revealed.
I know that God is my Heavenly Father. He has a physical body and is a separate and distinct personage from His Literal Son, Jesus Christ. I know that I am Heavenly Father's daughter and I am here on this earth to become like Him, through trial, suffering, and learning to rely on my Savior Jesus Christ while pressing forward with all of my own heart, might, mind, and strength. Truly, we are saved by the grace of Jesus Christ--after all we can do. I know as I give my all, the Lord takes my weaknesses and turns them into strengths. 

Truly, I feel so weak in writing when I try to express my knowledge that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only full and true church on the earth today. It is the Savior's church and He is the head of it. I know it is true. I absolutely know it is true. And though I am not perfect at following my Savior, and I am far from being able to understand all of His ways, I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true and I cannot deny it.

Miracles do happen. God lives. He loves His children. Of this I truly testify! I pray the Lord will continue to grant me forums and opportunities to share my witness of His work, and that I will have the faith and courage to open my mouth and say the words He would have me say. We are all God's children and He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, so we all could have the opportunity to return to Him--but we must follow His ways.

I hope my words have touched someone, anyone out there. If they have, please do take this invitation to read the Book of Mormon for yourself. It is free. And it is honestly the most precious, true book ever written. If you read it with real intent, with your heart open and with prayers asking God if it is true, you too will know, as I do, that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and it is a blessing and a strength to those who follow its teachings. Just go to to learn more about God, His eternal plan, and to request a copy of this true and inspired work.

You can even request a visit from the missionaries at this site (all over the world!). Missionaries are members of our faith who volunteer 18 months to 2 years of their lives to the single purpose of teaching others about Jesus Christ and His gospel, without any form of payment for so doing except for the joy of bringing souls unto Christ. Accept them. This decision will impact you for good for all eternity!

Thank you for letting me express the innermost, most sacred feelings of my heart. I know it is true. I know it. And I hope if anything, you got THAT out of this post-- Jocelyn Gibbons KNOWS The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often referred to as the "Mormon" church) and the Book of Mormon ARE TRUE! (-Jocelyn)

Your Pick.

Pick topics you want me to write about that, that you don't because you either don't have a blog or don't want to.