Monday, August 31, 2009

Breaking News: Knicks Trade for Ricky Rubio


When scouts said he was small, I didn't know they meant THAT small.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Libby's house

This morning as I was drinking coffee before going to church the smell brought me back to my grandmother's house. My grandma Libby has coffee every morning, regular black coffee with some milk and the aroma of it always stays for a couple of hours. Coffee has become one of my new favorite smells. I don't think I could ever get tired of it. And one of my favorite things about her home is all the artwork made from either her mother-in-law, husband or herself. Sure they have bought some accessories from other places but you look around her home and the art is from family hands. I have contributed a few pieces of my own and now I'm always in her home whether I'm physically there or not.

This is the current new book I'm reading, which has been amazing thus far. I'm about half-way through and the stories Donald retells is exactly what I was thinking, feeling and going through during his time of youth and finding Christ. Of course I still have a lot of growing up to do and he is well past my age, but when an author makes you feel like your part of the book, it makes me a little teary eyed. I'll admit, I'm emotional.

The other great thing is my new backpack for school. Because I've bought this at Walmart for $10! Yes, $10, you will now all go out and by it. I mean a camo backpack, this is great! And one of my roomies got one too, were backpack twinkies!

The first day of school wasn't too shabby. Although lugging around 10 pounds of your art supplies isn't that fun. I'm now pumped to see how these art classes are going to change my perspective of art and the skills I will develop over the next couple of months. I think this will really be a determining point if the Lord is calling me to do art. I'll let y'all know what He reveals to me..

Friday, August 28, 2009

Deep Thoughts with "Smiling" Sean Marks

I am so happy to have escaped the beautiful city of Toronto for the sweltering heat of Miami. For this, I happily dunk.I am quite obviously insane, yet still employed by an NBA team. Though clearly psychotic, I have a championship ring. For this, I giddily dunk. I have grown my hair out to appear more Nowitzki-ish. It looks pretty flowing. For this, I cheerfully dunk.
I am fortunate to play with the previous best point guard in basketball, and now the current best point guard in basketball. They get me easy shots. For instance, this dunk, which I will joyously perform.I have somehow eluded the giant Yao Ming. My sneaky Kiwi ways have come in handy yet again. For this, I will ecstatically dunk.
Because he appreciates my blonde locks, my hairsake Dirk Nowitzki has allowed me the chance for yet another two-handed dunk. For this, I gladly dunk. Fine. I'll dunk again. This time jovially.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mehmet Okur is Becoming LeBron James

I was just going through the vast archives of random NBA pictures that I have on my 4GB Data Traveler thumb drive. These pictures have been culled from various sources, and they serve as backup whenever I'm trying to find new memes. Memes are currency in the blogsospheres, so it's good to have some in savings. It's also wise to invest your memes in some low-risk, high return MRAs (meme retirement accounts) so that when you're done searching for memes, you still have some left over. This is all pretty complicated stuff I learned in macromemonomics, but you get the point.

ANYHOW, I was searching through my meme portfolio when I found these two pictures:

Did you notice how obvious it is that Mehmet Okur is aping LeBron's style? Here is a side-by-side comparison to elucidate the similarities:

I've connected the things that are the same with an easy-to-read color coded set of boxes and lines. Check it out.
  • Same Louis Vuitton bag.
  • Same creepy line beard.
  • Both have electronics on their person.
  • Both walking.

Pretty obvious now, isn't it? Mehmet Okur is definitely pulling a Single White Female, a documentary about people trying to be like other people. The only difference is these two people are males. And also neither is a white person (technically). But otherwise, it's the same because he's trying to look EXACTLY like him. We all know how that turned out (someone died).

I don't want to wake up some morning and read that Mehmet Okur stabbed Steven Weber with a spiked heel. Someone keep an eye on this situation.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Caron Butler, I'm Just Like You

We both wear hats. Of course.

Hey, Caron Butler, I get it. The whole "giving up pop because someone wants you to" thing. It's not very much fun is it? I mean, yeah, you sleep better. And you don't get that raw feeling in your mouth from drinking too much. But it's still definitely not the best.

I don't know about you, but I'm getting something out of it. If I don't drink pop (or eat junk food) from now until September 9th, my wife is going to buy me The Beatles: Rock Band. I'm guessing you have the same sort of deal with the Wizards, only you'll probably get several thousand dollars in a bonus. Same thing, basically.

Since I heard the news, I've been thinking a lot about how we're very similar, and it's not just the pop thing. For instance, I bet kids called you "Carry-On" because it sounded like your name. That's exactly like when I used to get called "Gay Trey." Rhyming is universal. And remember how you chew on straws (of course you do -- you're you)? I used to do that too.

Oh, and of course, there's the main similarity between our vocations. You play basketball nine months out of the year and make millions of dollars. I make less than a tenth of that sitting at a desk day in and day out. See the similarity? We're both employed in this economy. It's amazing how much the same we are.

So next time you're in Chicago to play the Bulls, give me a call. We can do something that bros like us like to do. Maybe we can go buy some things that are super expensive, or go watch the new Quentin Tarantino movie (you like him, too? I knew it!). You know, stuff for us kinda guys. We'll think of something, I'm sure. Just no pop.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Sometimes coming up with the title is the hardest part for me, not the blogging. Thats why todays is called "blank". A question I just asked myself (quietly) was "Do I want to blog 365 days a year?", well certainly I would, but A. No one would read everyday, B. Thats a lot of blogging to do and C. I probably would run out of stuff to write. That question brought me to my New Years Resolution I made this year which was: each week to do a new task. I got to about week 14 and couldn't think of any ideas. Right now were about on week 40 so I've missed a lot. If you have any ideas as to what I could do I want to start it back up. On FlickR I saw a girl who's new years resolution was somewhat like mine. She took a picture each week of something big that she did and she uploads it with the description of what took place. Maybe that will be one of my weeks, a new picture each day and why that picture was important to me.

Today feels like one of those days where you get so much accomplished, but yet you feel like the day hasn't really gone anywhere. This is how my day has gone: woke up around 10nish, had a full breakfast (special K cereal, coffee, banana), did a painting, got my car inspected, vaccummed, took a shower, had lunch (sausage), and I'm about to eat dinner. And its only 7:22 (TX time)! I also shot some pictures and these are what I liked: (FYI, I'm very much a macro picture taker, I love the setting to just take things upclose.)

an "artists" tools..
1. brushes to paint with

2. colors to paint with

3. surface to paint on

4. a finished project!

messing with Macro setting on camera

a successful meal I made!

one of my favorite coffee mugs

LeBron, Kobe, and the Battle of Asia

Kinda worried about Asia, guys. Follow this chain of events:

First, Kobe Bryant forces the Lakers to sign Sun Yue as an olive branch of sorts to the Chinese. However, because it's Kobe, there's more to the signing. He knows that adding a Chinese player to the roster increases his visability in China. Following the signing, Kobe makes Sun Yue sit next to him on every airplane and bus ride they take, even though he doesn't speak a word of Chinese.

Then, LeBron James convinces Nike to run in ad campaign in China, depicting him as the rightful heir to the throne formerly inhabited by the Bearded Man and Young Girl. As all Chinese know, these two former rulers were ousted by the Angry Man who has tyrannically ruled over China for centuries. Not until LeBron have the Chinese had a worthy adversary to Angry Man.

Then, Kobe takes a tour of Asia where he promotes his super light shoe. At every turn he derides LeBron's shoe for being too clunky. The Chinese take a liking to Kobe's shoes, mostly because they look better with high-end denim. Also, they're not that upset with Angry Man, he's just misunderstood.

Angered that Kobe has usurped his throne as reigning shoe maven in China, LeBron installs a massive video screen in his house that allows him to interact with the Chinese in real time. The video screen is wired in to China's closed circuit television mainframe, which gives LeBron the ability to interrupt any program with very important news. As you can see, the Chinese are delighted.

Finally, Kobe commissions the construction of a large, friendly looking robot which has been embraced by the Chinese. Unbeknownst to them, however, the robot is programmed so that if LeBron ever interrupts a Kobe commeercial or program it will systematically destroy whichever metropolis it is near. Savvy as he is, Kobe informed LeBron of this robot's capabilities and programming, leaving the onus on LeBron to not invoke it's wrath, in essence limiting LeBron's television control.

As you can see, LeBron and Kobe are at a standstill in the Asian markets. This perilous truce could eventually lead to out and out destruction and sure retaliation. I encourage you to write your local councilman protesting the arms race in Asia and the Pacific Islands. It is only a matter of time before these two rivals incite a third World War.

Monday, August 24, 2009

LeBron James Listens to "I Gotta Feeling"

So yeah, like, I'm really looking forward to playing with Shaq. And to next summer.

I gotta feeling...
Y'all hear that?

That tonight's gonna be a good night...
Tonight's gonna be a good good night...

Aww yeah. This that Black Eyed Peas song, right?

I got my money
Let's spend it up


create avatar

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Got it!

Don't worry, the pictures are BACK. If you cared to look.
Here are some of the pics of my new place in Denton;

First, when you walk in your already in the living/kitchen and dining room. This makes it convenient for dinner parties (if we ever have one) and we don't have to walk far to sit in front of the TV with our meals.
Its still a work in progress, don't judge by the bare walls and unfinished-ness of the place.

Here is the kitchen where the most art is on the fridge with an assortment of varies things and at least our table is pretty modern

Go down the hall to the left (yes a SMALL hallway in our 3 bed apt.) and first door on the left you will be inside my room! I've taken the painting from last year I had in my room and re-painted it in just a solid red.

Next to the bed is this great find I got at an antique store in the Square for $17. It used to be an art teachers and she would use it as a display table, how perfect for me since I want to be an art teacher! And it makes a beautiful night-stand table.

One of my better walls to look at is the one over my desk. I've taken the idea from my other roommates but we each have it in a different place. I wanted to first paint the wall of my desk a BRIGHT color so it would make me focus when school started. Well that didn't happen and now its become a wall with my favorite pictures and other small things. I think I used the space well. What are your thoughts?

A becoming Twitter-obbessor I have found someone who I love to get Tweets! from. Its design_sponge and this woman posts just different links of things consisting of: redone rooms, simple DIY's, before/afters of rooms. And today when I was looking at some of the rooms posted, I fell in awe. The beauty of art is that it can be used in any shape/form possible. The ideas are endless, seriously. The way people come up with ways to decorate their homes always makes me giddy. And when I saw what artwork they had posted up, it makes me think that I could paint ANYTHING I wanted to, and I'm sure someone would buy it. I've seen paintings of chairs, fruits, cartoonish people, you catch what I'm saying, all sorts of things and someone wanted it. I'm just going to start painting whatever I see. I have been requested to do a painting by a friend, I need to start on that.

Other things going on: I'm back at work (working at the moment), I start school Thursday (ya I don't know why Thursday), and I have taken a recent liking of the show Entourage.

Well, HAPPY; Mondays, first day back at school, going back to work, not getting campus parking tickets!

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Dangers of International Competition

Right now, there is a large international basketball competition taking place in locales around the world. It's called the Large International Basketball Competition and it features players from all around the globe, even some from the NBA. However, many owners don't like their players playing in the competition that they are playing in as players. Their fears are justified.

Not only could one of their investments be injured, they could also be hurt. Furthermore, they could also unwittingly unveil some new moves, thereby rendering them obsolete. Or they could be abducted, tied up in ropes, and placed on train tracks by robber barons. Also, they could be hurt.

But these are just minor dangers. The three situations that follow are all too common in international basketball. As such, they cause night sweats, buggymares, and general queasiness amongst NBA executives.

Physical Assault
Yes, an injury is distressing enough, but in international basketball, players are often punched while driving to the basket. Due to some European bylaws, this tactic has been permitted since the conception of FIBA (it is called the "Russian Handcheck" for obvious reasons). As of late, most European countries have abandoned this technique, but their Asian counterparts have mastered it. The coupling of basketball and martial arts has proven deadly for nearly 600 players since 1985.

A players contract is predicated on the assumption that their skills are irreplaceable. But cloning laws abroad are lax, and the process has not yet been perfected. Not only does this make a player less valuable, it also downgrades the talent in the NBA. It is a closely guarded secret that the Allen Iverson who returned after the Athens Olympics was not the actual Iverson, but rather a laboratory creation dubbed Alan Iverson.

Poor Nutrition

Due to the economic crisis, players are often forced to eat their winnings to stay alive.


Because not every team wins medals, and even those aren't terribly filling, overseas competition is overrun with players eating other players. As seen in the picture above, the Grizzlies' Hamed Haddadi is desperately eyeing the Nets' Yi Jianlian for a post-game meal. Unfortunately for Nets fans, FIBA officials were able to save Yi from his certain death.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Maybe, well just maybe..

Well, maybe I am the next Julia Childs. Not to the extent of her great cooking and having a book out, but since I have been in my new apartment I have prepared better meals for myself the last couple of days then I've had all summer. Maybe its because when I'm back at school I go shopping for myself and walk down the aisles with my cart filling it only with the necessities that I truly need. The meals I prepare can be done by a 15 year old if they were alone all the time. Here are some of the things I've put together and maybe you'll want to try them..

Breakfast: cup of blueberries, 2 scrambled eggs, water
Breakfast: cup of strawberries/grapes, nutrition bar
Snack: couple slices of turkey pepperoni and strawberries & milk (had today, which I know doesn't sound like a good combination of things, but it is)
Lunch: simple turkey/Swiss cheese sandwich, chips
Lunch: hot pocket, cup of carrots + ranch, strawberries
Dinner: cooked salmon, satayed mushrooms, wheat thins
Dinner: grilled chicken, salt & vinegar chips, grapes

I have almost every meal with either water or Lipton green tea.

Real Basic Meals [for the college-aged student]
Simple, recipes put together by:
Danielle Landy

Maybe that would be the title if I put together a cooking book.
And realistically, we eat like crap anyways filling ourselves with things like chips.

I have completed the decoration of my room, which I actually did the other day. It will soon be filled with new spirals full of notes, and probably paint/pencils. My brain will need ideas flowing in like crazy to beat out the other art major students. I hope to never have time to be bored and constantly doing something, my breaks can be from food, blogging, shower and sleeping only.

We'll see how well that goes.
In the meantime, you can listen to Derek Webb's CD She Must and Shall Go Free. My fav's are tracks #4, #6, #7.

A Milwaukee Bucks Fan Attends the Gathering of the Juggalos

WASSUP FELLOW JUGGALOS!!! Good to see you guys again this year. Missed you guys. No one back home "gets me." It's good to be among friends. Love the face paint Theresa. Very authentic.

How about those Bucks?! They have been making all kinds of moves. It's going to be an exciting team, right?

Anways, Bogut's back. We got Jennings in the draft, which seems pretty cool. Sucks to lose RJ, but he was such a pretty boy, so I'm not too sad. And Michael Redd, dude. You know I love me some Michael Redd. Totally worth the contract, right?


Doesn't anyone want to talk Bucks basketball?

No one?

You want to do what?

With an animal?

A DEAD animal?

I didn't know it was that kind of gathering. That's pretty gross, dude.

Whatever. If you need me, I'll be in the woods, setting off M-80s. Let's rage, I guess. Rage away.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Where's my camera cord?

While I can't find my camera cord I will upload other pics off of the internet. This is a blog entry where I just want to tell about who/what I'm inspired by.

And that includes: Andy Warhol, Audrey Hepburn,, photography (of Africa, weddings, Caroline Fontenot's pictures) abstract paintings, movies, Apartment Therapy, Crate & Barrel, FlickR, Jeremy Cowart Photography, children.

look how beautiful He created them!
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him;
male and female He created them."
-Genesis 1:27

And I have recently come to realize I'm passionate about serving people and the busy-ness of doing things for other people. When I'm alone, I don't get much done, but when put to a task and serving the Kingdom I get so pumped about whats to come. Whether that be through YL, something with the church, doing shopping for someone, creating. I hope this can be something continuous from the Lord, for He calls us to be servants.

"Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free."
-Ephesians 6:7

What amazes me about the Lord all the time is His work in other places of the world. Often, I'm so consumed in just what He's doing in my life and America, I fail to recognize just HOW BIG HE IS and His work in every single part of the world. He's even in Antarctica doing things that I will never know, but what Joy it is!

School starts up in about a week, I'm not ready. Eek!