Sunday, September 30, 2007

WLC 3: I'm Back

Yawn. Stretch. Peek one eye... then the other... as slowly I awake to the bright, glorious world of reality. Well, blogging reality.

That's right, I'm back! I was completely dazed and distracted for... let's see... four full days (from Wednesday evening until an hour ago)... absolutely CONSUMED by a good book. Three good books, actually.

My mom mailed me (thanks, Mom and Rachel!) the three-book Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series. I have to tell you, I was skeptical. I approach popular books very hesitantly. I think it's an ingrained English major "I'm better than bestseller; give me hard-to-read Thoreau" thing. But honestly, I was hooked pretty much from page one... so much so that her book earned the highest compliment I can give a good book: it was so compelling, I forgot I was reading.

I was experiencing the book fully; to the point that hardly anything "broke" my focus except the use of the saying "Sure, sure" (which bothered me because Robert says it, mimicking Paul Newman in The Hudsucker Proxy). When I am "into" a good book (aka obsessed... the way I get whenever I really like a book), I will step out of my reality in a sense and step into the book's reality. It's as if I'm not reading at all; I'm just there, with the characters, experiencing what they are experiencing. Almost always, though, even the best of books pull my editor-trained brain back out, because I notice errors or things that bother me... either misspellings (there were a few), bad punctuation (yes, I caught a couple instances), bad dialogue (just the "Sure, sure" usage), character inconsistencies (none that I can think of; the characters were the real pull of Twilight for me), or plot/overall story inconsistencies (none that bothered me).

The thing is, (first editions of) the best of books with the best of editors will almost always have a few misspelling and punctuation errors. Sorry for sticklers out there, but it's true, especially in today's money-crunched publishing world (whole other blog right there). But tiny spelling/grammar/punctuation errors are inconsequential, in my opinion, compared to flaws in the storyline or in the characters. All of this very long and probably boring schpeal is to say that the Twilight series was impressive because it both had few of those "smaller" errors (a "than" that should of been a "that"; a missing "to" in a sentence; a missing comma) and it also had none of the major errors, meaning I was "in" the world of this book more than almost any other book.

Onto what you're all waiting for: the WLC. I know you've been wondering how I did. Well, hate to disappoint, but I gained last week. It was only 0.6 of a pound, and I am more committed this week. I was sick for much of last week (not aided by my late nights spent reading) and I did the unthinkable last Sunday and made a too-large batch of (oops) chocolate chip cookies. From now on, when I make cookies I'll either give most of them away... or I'll freeze them so I'm discouraged from shovel eating. You live and learn. *Sigh.*

There you go! I am recommitted to losing weight. Recommitted to living life. And (of course) recommitted to blogging.

So see you again tomorrow! (-Jocelyn)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bad Mommy Day

(To the tune of John Denver's "Sunshine on My Shoulder"): "Comments... on my blog... make me happy... comments... on my blog... make me smile..."

Thanks to all of you who commented. It always makes me happy to see that someone out there cares. And it makes me even happier that all of you told me your little happy moments. Yay!

Well, as the title suggests, today is a "bad mommy" day. Have you ever had one of those? Okay, you may not be a mommy, but I think you can still relate. Right now, Peter is staring at the TV screen. That is right (GASP) the TV screen. He looks like a very cute little zombie, eyes glued to Baby Einstein's DVD Baby Mozart.

I have always tried to limit TV time because it makes me feel guilty, and this article made me feel even worse about the tool I sometimes so "heartlessly" employ, frying my child's brain. I justify it... you know, saying that at least he's hearing classical music (and Mozart at that) and hopefully that's helping him... somehow? But the truth is, this DVD is my go-to-guy for when I just need a break!!!

Today, Peter has been stellar (as is typical for him; I really am blessed with a good baby, because it's not something I'm doing!)... but I'm starting to get a sore throat and earache and just feel blah. So Peter got bored of playing with his toys by himself. So I, being a "bad mommy" today, plunked him in front of the TV and let him gape.

Now my question is... does that really make me a bad mother? And further, if I have an even WORSE day and I resort to the DVD oh... three... four times (this has happened, ahem)... does that make me evil?

*Sigh.* I hope not. I guess I can take comfort in the fact that I was often glued to the TV and I'm not too messed up, right? Right?!? (-Jocelyn)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Ugh. Don't you hate it when you adopt your own pet-peeve? Isn't that the worst?

Maybe this doesn't make sense to you, as the very nature of a "pet-peeve" suggests that you dislike {x} so much that you would NEVER EVER do/be/say/think/buy/etc. {x}. I guess I'm just strange.

I HATE it when there are a mass amount of e-mails in my inbox. I love getting e-mails, don't get me wrong, I just hate it when they are sitting there . . . unlabeled, unsorted, and (gasp) worst of all: UNREAD. I have been known (on numerous occasions) to hack into Robert's e-mail and sort it all for him because this bugs me so much. I know, crazy!

This morning, I had 206 unread e-mails. That is right, UNREAD! Every time I opened my inbox, it drove me crazy to see that number and see all those bold headings. So today, I was checking my e-mail while Peter was napping, and I decided to take action. I read. I replied. I deleted. I sorted. I CLEANED my inbox. And you know what? I feel great!

Isn't it amazing how something so small as a clean inbox can make you feel so happy? *Sigh.* Yay for the little things.

What little thing made you happy today?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

So long, Robert Jordan

A legend has passed away.

My friend Lauren, who I got hooked on the fantasy series The Wheel of Time, called last week to let me know that the series' author, Robert Jordan, had passed away unexpectedly as a result of a rare blood disease.

Robert Jordan had written 11 of 12 books for his Wheel of Time series. The final book, "Memory of Light," was currently in the works.

What we're talking about here is one of the most complex series of all time. With five volumes more than Harry Potter, thousands of characters who weave in and out of each, a mind-boggling world of magic, politics, and intertwined classic myth, this was a series that you had to be truly devoted to in order to appreciate. Most fans of the series had speculated and worried that Robert Jordan might die before the last book was finished. No one seriously thought it would happen, because in their minds, the series had to have a conclusion and the author just simply could not die.

It may be that one of his family members will finish the book for him (though I believe his wife is the only one who knows the whole story and would be capable of such a feat), but it may also be that the book will never be written, and fans like myself who have waited for years and years for each new book, will have to come to face the hard truth that we devoted perhaps a little too much of our time to something that in the end was just as ephemeral as the mist of dawn--gone in an instant.

Best wishes to Robert Jordan's family.


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Videothon: Peter's Evening

Here is a videothon for you all taken about a week ago, all on the same night. The first is of Peter jumping; the second is of him bathing (with my help, of course); the third is of him post-diaper change, when he's babbling, right before bed. Enjoy! (-Jocelyn)

Friday, September 21, 2007

WLC 2: The Basics

Hello everyone! Well, as you may remember... this is the much anticipated (by me at least) first day of WLC (Weight Loss Challenge) reporting. I am happy to say that I (drum roll, please):

LOST 1.4 pounds this week!


It feels good to lose weight. It feels even better to just be healthy. I have so much more energy and self-confidence, simply because I am doing the basics: eating well and exercising.

I subscribe to the Weight Watchers–induced mindset that you should enjoy eating to the point that you savor each bite (rather than just devouring it without thought). In other words, as I read from a Weight Watchers success story earlier this week, it's all about "discipline, not deprivation." That positive attitude is so important to me in my goal to be healthy and lose weight. My survival, must-eat-everything-in-sight-except-the-ramen (ewe) instincts kick in when I start to think that I'm depriving myself. It's kind of sad, but true. So I've learned that I am much more likely to succeed when I let myself eat what I want—just in moderation, keeping track of what I eat (food journals, woohoo, another topic for another day).

Also, as part of eating, I try to include at least five fruits and vegetables (it gets easier as you get used to it and buy with this goal in mind) and at least six glasses of water a day. And you know what? When I get my fruits and veggies and my water, my cravings for high calorie foods (aka CHOCOLATE) go down, because my body is satisfied.

The second basic component of my WLC is exercise. I'll delve into this topic in more detail in future weeks, but basically, exercise is good. Simple as that. It's hard to get motivated to do it sometimes, but it really makes a difference in my overall well-being.

There you go! Hope you survived the schpeal. Now for some cute Peter pics, taken when he was tired at his jumper. He loves this thing so much, he'll keep jumping with his head resting on the side when he's ready for sleep. It's pretty cute. :)

Have a great week! (-Jocelyn)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Teeth and Onions

Painting compliments of Justin Clayton (stumbled on it using Google) at

Okay. I have the BIGGEST craving (almost pregnancy-level, though I am NOT preggars) for french onion soup this week. It seriously is getting to the point of obsession; I can almost taste the savory broth and I seriously start to salivate (too much information?) just thinking of that lovely, oniony, french bread and cheese adorned soup. *Sigh.*

I'm not going to just torture myself. I'm going to make it. I think I'm going to make this recipe, because it doesn't require wine (since I don't drink) and it looks pretty simple, but also very yummy. Hmm. Sadly, though, my craving has to wait for tomorrow, because I already have beef all thawed and ready for tacos tonight. C'est la vie.

Last, but not least, Peter is adding more teeth to his repertoire. His two bottom teeth are almost full (kid) size now, and he now has TWO teeth breaking through on the top. Craziness!

I'll let you all know how the soup turns out when I make it. In the meantime, I'll just have to stay satisfied with onion bagels (and chubby baby cheeks, as always).

What food are you craving? (-Jocelyn)

(Second) Cousins

On Sunday, we had a very yummy and fun dinner with my aunt and uncle. Their son Tyson was there with his wife, Kathy, and of course, Tyson and Kathy's ten-month-old, Landon. Peter and Landon played for a bit, and here's the oh-so-cute evidence!

Thanks for a great time, guys! (-Jocelyn)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

School of Law

Here is my official report on what life is like for me, attending law school at GWU. First of all, it's fun. It's fun living near the heart of our national government. It's fun passing the Pentagon every day on the metro. It's fun realizing how many movie trailers feature national monuments that I am now well acquainted with:

Seriously, this shot of the Washington Monument sitting across from the Reflection Pool is featured in almost every movie that has anything to do with the government. Upcoming examples: National Treasure 2, Rendition, and Lions for Lambs.

Anyway, let me give you a quick recap of an average day by way of pictures.

First, I leave the house (after getting ready and eating breakfast, usually a bowl of oatmeal provided by Jocelyn).

Sometimes Jocelyn drives me to the metro, but on this particular day, I'm taking the bus.

Once I arrive at the metro station, I pass my wallet over the entrance gate to the metro. This thing is really smart. It scans your metro card through your wallet--very fast and efficient.

Here's the metro!

I end up at the Foggy Bottom station (which received its name from the smoke-filled atomosphere back in the days when there were tons of factories here). Then I ride the escalator up out of the underground subway.

From there, it's about a ten minute walk to the law school. Here's one of the many hot dog stands I pass on the way.

Here's the law school courtyard. (That's George Washington standing there).

And here's the main entrance of the law school.

Now I'm studying between classes in a secluded corner of the law library, trying to write a memo that's due by 6 p.m. I had to predict whether a bunch of kids had a false imprisonment claim against a golf course greenskeeper that kept the kids under an awning for nearly an hour while he filed a report on them for suspected vandalism. I used case law to show that the kids did have a false imprisonment claim.

After a hard day of Contracts, Civil Procedure, and Criminal Law, I'm off for home, where my wife and baby boy greet me.

Eventually, I have to do some homework. Below is a picture of the books I have to read from before school tomorrow. I estimated that with all of the reading they assign, I'll have read about eight thousand pages of legal material by the end of my first year as a law student.


Monday, September 17, 2007

Life in the 'Hood

Just kidding. I don't live in a "hood" in the street-violence sense of the word. However, I do live near DC, and other than my stint (study abroad) in London, I have never lived this close to a big city. It's pretty fun!

Rachel asked me to let you all in on what life is like in DC. Well, I can tell you my side of the story. Robert can tell his side later (which he was planning to do anyway with a photo diary of sorts; you'll see).

My day is pretty typical. That's why I haven't blogged about it up to this point. Basically, I feed Peter several times; play with him whenever he's not sleeping (he takes a morning and afternoon nap); go on a walk to a park every day or so with Peter; and take care of myself (eating, reading, blogging, showering, etc.) during Peter's naps. Robert leaves in the morning and gets home at around dinnertime typically. We eat together, then put Peter down to bed (Robert reads him poetry or stories, which I love), then it's study time for Robert, whatever time for me. We sometimes play games or watch a movie after Robert's done studying, and then we call it a night.

I know, you just can't handle the excitement! To be honest, my life here is pretty similar to my life in Utah, except now I take Robert to the metro and back sometimes (and we have an amazing apartment and beautiful trees everywhere). Some days, I go on errands... but once again, pretty typical. On Saturdays, Robert and I try to get out and go sightseeing which is a little more impressive (Smithsonians, monuments, etc.).

There you have it, Rach! Sorry it's a snoozer! (-Jocelyn)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Grateful Sunday

Before I sign out and go to bed, I thought I'd join the pack (okay, join Leslie) and do my own gratitude blog. So here we go...

Things I'm Grateful for Today:
  • My wonderful, loving, considerate, and fun husband, Robert.
  • The cute little guy swinging above, who melts my heart and brings tears to my eyes (because I love him so much) at least once a day.
  • The gospel and my testimony of it. I know that I am a beloved daughter of God. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior. I have a lot spiritually to be grateful for!
  • Having friends who are so loving, funny, and genuine that I MISS THEM! (Even if I'm bad at admitting it sometimes.)
  • You, reading my blog. It makes me feel special to have blog fans (or at least readers) and I LOVE it when you comment (*hint hint*).
  • A supportive and loving family, including my awesome aunts and uncles who have welcomed me to the area with open arms.

Hope you have a great week and that we can both remember the little blessings all around us. Seriously! (-Jocelyn)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

A Place of Love and Beauty

This is Peter in his jumperoo for the first time. He LOVES this thing.

Here we go... another day, another group of pictures.

Today was actually a really good day. Robert watched The Buppy (Peter) pretty much all day (from 10 am to 4 pm) while I went to the temple! (Thanks, Honey!) It was so wonderful. Robert and I like to go together, but it's hard with the baby, so we're going to start going separate regularly, then making a date of it whenever we can swing a babysitter. All the same, it felt amazing to be there. I just hope I can keep the Spirit I felt in the temple with me until the next time I go.

If you did the math, you probably wondered what took so long at the temple (10 am to 4 pm). Well, the whole temple part of this morning took about 5 hours (including 2.5 hours of driving; some of that driving downtown--AKA in front of the White House--because I missed my freeway entrance, haha). After that, I went to the grocery store, which I usually hate to do, but without the baby, it was kind of nice. Who knew a trip to the grocery store could feel like such a mini vacation?

I feel like I'm in a boring mood right now, so I will spare you any more reading. :) Just know that I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (in case you don't know what religion I belong to) is the true church on the earth today. The temple confirmed that knowledge again today. I also know that each of us is a beloved child of God. What an awesome fact to consider. I hope I will remember that truth every day; about myself and about others. (How different would the world be if every person absolutely knew that?) Awesome. Love to all! (-Jocelyn)

You can't really tell, but Peter's sleeping with his rear end sticking up into the air. It's one of his favorite ways to sleep now, and it' oh so cute. Look at those cheeks! :)

For Robert's birthday, I totally decked out the dining room and kitchen area (the spot you see when you walk out the hallway), so he'd be greeted properly for his birthday. I was pretty proud of my handiwork.
Robert and his birthday cookies (instead of cake, which he doesn't like). We thought two candles would suffice. They represent twenty-five candles (24 years and 1 to grow on).

Until next time... :)

Friday, September 14, 2007


>>Believe it or not, this shot was actually not "staged." He had spread all his rings around him in this very artsy way all by himself.

Hello. Back again, as promised (with cute pictures, as promised). I am just a woman of my promises!

Now, you may be asking yourself, "What is the WLC? Wobbly Leg Crankiness? Weird Lollipop Cravings? Where's Larry Challenge?" Well, I'm going to tell you. That's what makes me so nice. (Name that show!)

The WLC is my own personal abbreviation for my own personal Weight Loss Challenge. As many of you know, I am trying (along with the majority of America... isn't it so true?) to lose weight. I could blame it on the "baby," but let's just say that before the alleged kid, I was still a little soft around the edges. I am determined to get rid of said softness... one step at a time.

So in order to motivate me even more to keep up with my exercise and healthy eating habits (AKA weight loss), I am going to post every Friday and tell you how my weight loss efforts have gone that week. Feel free to comment with encouragement and advice. This challenge is between me and me... so it is a personal journey I'm taking, but I'd love any support people can throw my way.

Sound like a plan? If that sounds embarrassing or boring to you, fine. Just look at my pictures on Fridays. For the rest of you, thanks for reading and for caring. :)

Oh and just so you know, I will NOT be posting my weight at any time. I WILL, however, be posting my weight loss, starting with my weight today (which is 12.2 pounds under what I was six weeks after having Peter, wahoo).

Wish me luck! Now... pictures of my own little spazz child. :) (-Jocelyn)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Heartbreaker

Sorry it's been a while. I found the camera charger, so here are just a taste of the CUTER THAN BELIEF pics of our CUTER THAN WE CAN EVEN SHOW Peter. He really is a heartbreaker already. I'll keep posting pics throughout the week so this post isn't overwhelming... but here you go... (-Jocelyn)