Wow it's been a while! Sorry! It's been a busy while, though. Here is a run-down of happenings before I get all wordy on you:
- The Meltdown: I completely melted down my nursing pump while trying to sterilize it (oops, I got distracted). Luckily, the smoke fumes didn't harm us . . . and I have another pump. Ahem. (See the pictures above for "before" and "after" shots of the pump.) Also, the day of the meltdown was the day of the Five Star Iris concert. It was SO FUN. We're planning on buying their CD for sure.
- Law School: Robert and I have chosen a law school: George Washington! We'll be moving to D.C. probably in the beginning of August (depending on when we can get an apartment lease to start). We're very excited and I am somewhat nervous, but becoming less so the more I learn about living in the area. Woohoo!
- M.I.A.: Robert is currently spending all (but Sundays') nights performing in "No Time For Sergeants" at the Hale Center Theater. I saw it on Friday and it was hilarious! It's hard to be without him so much . . . but we're both happy he gets to use his talents while he still has some time (I doubt he'll be doing much theater while in law school). (The pictures above are of Robert in some of his costumes. Hmm. He sure is handsome.)
- Graduation: About Robert again!!! He GRADUATED from BYU last week! Woohoo! The excitement of graduation was a little overshadowed by the three years of law school looming ahead, but it was still a big moment for us. Robert is a smarty pants and graduated in three and a half years with a major and minor (English and editing) and an overall GPA of over 3.8. (The pic above is of Robert in his graduation garb.) CONGRATS Honey!
- The Kid: Peter is getting bigger and bigger . . . and of course, cuter and cuter. And, as if it could be possible, he looks more like Robert every day. It is adorable. We've decided that for Halloween we're going to do a twins or "Dr. Evil and MiniMe" theme and have Robert and Peter dress the same (and thus look the same; just look at the pic above, in which they are making the exact same face . . . so funny). All I can say is that Peter is dang lucky his dad is so good looking! The only thing that scares me about that fact is the dating years . . . but we've got a while until we get there.
- Losses: For those of you who don't know, I am currently doing Weight Watchers (started it as soon as my doctor gave me the six-week postpartum go ahead). I have to date lost 10.6 pounds and I feel so great! My family is doing a "weight loss challenge" so we are all doing our best to eat healthy, exercise, and just change for the better! Hooray!
Welp, there you go for the updates on my life. Thanks for reading and have a great day! (-Jocelyn)