Saturday, March 24, 2007

Pretty Penelope :)

Welcome to the world Penelope! She was delivered Wednesday, March 24 to proud parents Annette and Andy and proud big brothers Holden and Owen. She is the seventh Stayner baby born in the past 10 months (Jackson in June 06; Hannah in Nov 06; Isabel in Jan 07; Joseph in Jan 07; our Peter in Feb 07; Amanda in Feb 07; and now, Penelope). Quite the phenomenon... all seven siblings have welcomed a new baby in less than a year's time! Whew! Talk about FUN for this set of cousins (oh, the trouble they'll get into!)...
All is well otherwise in the Gibbons world. We are happy (as usual) for the weekend, especially since it's Peter's blessing on Sunday. OOH and Robert got his brace/cast off today as his breaks are officially healed. We're still waiting to see if he has any torn ligaments... please no!
I am taking full advantage of the nice sunny weather around here. Today Peter and I went on a long, relaxing walk. It was so beautiful and I'm lucky because Peter loves his car seat, meaning he sleeps whenever he's in it and moving... so it was like a break for me, even though he was my walking buddy. Next week it's supposed to be rainy again (nooooo!). I just hope the sun comes back soon, because I just love being in the outdoors!
Well, time for me to away to bed. Love to all and GOOD NIGHT! (-Jocelyn)
PS- Here are a few pics of Peter (of course!!!)...

Friday, March 23, 2007


Here are three shots taken in succession. He has such cute facial expressions, huh?
Quick quick update... Yes, we are all still alive and doing well! Robert is going to be in the HTC's No Time For Sergeants and has started rehearsing regularly. No new law school news... still waiting on UCLA, Cornell, and Northwestern... then we must make THE decision. We'll keep you posted!
Sorry so short... but I must get to sleep! Peter is healthy and cute as ever (see the pics for proof). Love to all! (-Jocelyn)

Above are shots of Peter with some of his cousins. First... meeting Hannah (w/ her dad and my bro Matt); Next... meeting Amanda; and Last... Peter and Amanda, both cute as ever though in hysterics. :)

Monday, March 5, 2007

Real Simple

The baby's asleep so I have some precious "me" time, which I'm choosing to spend doing this little quiz I got from Rach and Leslie (and Real Simple originally, I hear). Here we go!

* What's the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to you? Nicest thing? This is a tough one. I'd say anytime Robert compliments me or tells people about me it's the "nicest" thing. I also ALWAYS love to hear "I love you" from him. (The nicest BLOG ever about me is here. :)

* What was your most embarrassing moment? I've had a lot, but I'd have to say the one that comes to mind right now is when, in my wedding dress at my reception, I was dancing by myself for a bit in the middle of the circle of all our guests . . . and I totally slipped and fell on my butt in front of EVERYONE!!! No one got a picture of it, but I'm pretty sure my dress at least ballooned as I fell down. The funny thing is, I kind of wish my photographer had gotten a shot of the downfall, because although embarrassing, it was a really funny moment. She was embarrassed for me, though, and chose to not shoot it.

* What's your favorite place in the world? Three places come to mind immediately . . . the temple (any temple, though Provo is the one I'm most familiar with so it's the most "homey"), my home, and London. (I can't wait until I can go to London with Robert and share "my" city with him. It'll be a few years, sadly!)

* Biggest waste of time? Probably watching TV.

* One or two piece swimsuit? One piece, usually with shorts.

* If I knew then what I know now . . . I would have always thought I was beautiful and "worthwhile" even throughout the rocky teenage years. What a waste to spend so much time thinking you're not good enough . . . when all the time, you really are. Ask my friends (who think I'm weird for doing this!), but I'm known to look in the mirror nowadays and remark about how cute I look. I don't think it's vain; it's positive reinforcement . . . and I really think it's important to feel good about yourself (inside and out) everyday, even though we all have imperfections we are working on. Sorry for the soapbox!

Well, my bro and his family are coming to visit in a few minutes, so I'm going to make a mad dash to clean up any remaining clutter (before I get to finally meet Hannah! Hooray!). Until next time . . . (-Jocelyn)

PS- Sad news! Robert got his first "no" from a law school . . . he was not accepted to Stanford. That one was a shot in the dark, so we weren't surprised, but I was a little sad! Oh well! My genius husband will do well wherever he goes, I know, so we will be alright! Love to all!